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On the way to becoming the world reserve currency?

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Disclaimer: All information given here does not constitute investment advice or a purchase recommendation! It is our own opinion.

THIS IS BITCOIN - Long Story short


Bitcoin is the world's first cryptocurrency. In 2008 a programmer published under thepseudonym"Satoshi Nakamoto" published the first Bitcoin white paper. Only a year later, in 2009, the first Bitcoin block was created. The convinced cypherpunk "Nakamoto" created a limited and decentralized money that cannot be controlled by any person or organization worldwide. 

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here, show you the advantages and take you on the exciting journey into the Bitcoin universe!

Aktuelles aus unserem Blog

Bitcoin schnell &
einfach erklärt

What do you need for a working currency?


All monetary systems, or even earlier barter systems, are based on the same simple principle: many people must use it and they must have confidence in the stability of value.



With its limit of 21,000,000 pieces, Bitcoin is clearly and verifiably limited.It is therefore a scarcer commodity than gold, silver or diamonds.

Unlike fiat currencies like the euro and dollar, no central party can create bitcoins out of "nothing". The strong limitation and the verifiability make it a serious candidate as a world reserve currency.


Volatility is one of the main reasons cited when it comes to disqualifying Bitcoin as a legitimate currency. Many forget how small the market capitalization of Bitcoin is compared to other currencies and gold:

0.3 trillion
EUR     16.1 trillion
USD     21.7 trillion
GOLD  11.0 trillion

If Bitcoin continues to catch up in the next few years, this would mean an enormous increase in value but, according to some experts, a reduction in volatility. This would be essential if Bitcoin wants to arrive as trustworthy money in the middle of society. 


The bitcoin network and users are growing inexorably. Around 10.7% of all people worldwide currently use cryptocurrencies. Especially in Asia, a lot of people use cryptos. Not even a mining ban in China could stop that.

In fact, this is a very important signal. Because it shows that the independence and the decentralized system behind Bitcoin cannot be contained even by such assertive political systems as China.


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That's right! Bitcoin has now been proposed as a raw material by the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) in the USA. According to the SEC, it states that the most important criteria for being seen as a commodity are met. Among other things, the scarcity of 21 million pieces has led to this.

Bitcoin has this advantage over all other cryocurrencies and, from our point of view, also enhances it enormously for financial investors. Quite apart from the political implications.

BTC halving event

Miners are the ones who keep the network alive. In return for their search for new blocks, they receive a reward in the form of new Bitcoin and a transaction fee. Through their search, they ensure that transactions can be carried out and updated.


Every 4 years this reward for miners is halved when they find a new block. In the past, the BTC price usually reached a new all-time high 18 months after these events.

The next halving event is scheduled for 2024. The past is not a sure indicator of the future!

However, if you were to append the price of the last few years to the current price (see below in red), the BTC price would be over $100,000 after the next halving. However, so far the growth has slowed with each halving, as you can see very well below.

BTC Kurs Vorschau Kopie.png


We see that over 50% of those surveyed perceive the entry barrier to buying cryptocurrencies as rather low. This means that investing in crypto is perceived as easy.

There are roughly similar values for wins and losses. What is particularly exciting, however, is that only 8% have a completely secure feeling when it comes to cryptocurrencies. This means that over 90% of investors have certain fears when investing. 

This may be due to the (still) quite high volatility and the lack of understanding of what at least Bitcoin could actually represent.

Here is the exciting question: Do you believe that Bitcoin can become a real alternative to the existing fiat currencies in the medium to long term? Or maybe investors just have FOMO (Fear of missing out)? From our point of view, that would be a bad incentive to invest in Bitcoin. Because in the short term, the market could remain volatile. In any case, before you invest in Bitcoin (or other cryptos), you should ask yourself why you are investing!


Forschungsergebnisse von Daniel Batten zeigen, dass Bitcoin bereits im Februar 2023 zu über 52% auf nachhaltige Energieträger setzt. Dabei nutzten Bitcoin-Miner sogar sehr häufig überproduzierte Energie. Der Bitcoin ist also, entgegen der häufig vertretenen Meinung, wohl sehr nachhaltig und bei den ESG Kriterien offenbar weiter als bisher angenommen.




Bitcoin is decentralized. This means that there is no one who makes central decisions. But it also means that there is no one to manage your credit or help you in the event of a loss.

That's why it's so incredibly important that you manage larger bitcoin balances yourself!

You can do this with a hardware wallet, for example. It's easier than you might think right now. Basically, it's about making sure your randomly generated password (24 words) that secures your wallet addresses doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

The hardware wallet creates this randomly generated password for you. Deposit the wallet address with your bitcoin provider and transfer the bitcoins to your hardware wallet address.

If you want to be on the safe side, you can also write down the 24-word password. But NEVER do this on your computer or any other device that communicates with the internet. Anyone who has these words, called "seed", from you can transfer your entire balance at any time.

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